"I Had Given Up My Dreams of A Full Head Of Hair…
Until I took one last shot with this 100% natural solution... and cried tears of joy.
“More Vibrant, Thicker and Even Longer Hair, Once Again!”
A formula containing the perfect blend of 100% natural herbs and just a few short weeks is all you need...

...to shock yourself when you look in the mirror again.

Thicker, fuller, younger-looking hair...

...and that youthful, confident, attractive YOU is back!
Don’t believe me? Look I don’t blame you…
No one’s telling you about these powerful exotic ingredients, found in nature, that restore people’s confidence and looks when it comes to their hair… after they’ve lost all hope.

And it’s all because the medical industry and ‘Big Pharma’ can’t profit off any of these ingredients… so they get NOTHING out of telling you about them.
Is it any wonder you’ve found NO real solution to your hair loss?
Believe me, your search for an answer to your dreadful hair loss is going to finally end TODAY… and in just the next few minutes.

Look, I know that... Hair Is LIFE.

And it sucks that YOU had to be stuck with this curse called ‘hair loss’...

…robbing you of the very thing that makes you attractive, beautiful, young, and well... YOU.
Well, get ready for a new looking you...
...a completely natural you, with hair growing in the most natural way possible!
  • No pharmaceutical drugs
  • Non-effective hair shampoos
  • Hair implant surgeries
  •  Or any of the myriad of other ineffective remedies ever again.
Let me prove it to you…

(I promise you won’t have to lose a single penny just for giving it a try.)
I’ll never forget that day… after probably hundreds of times of looking in the mirror at myself and seeing far LESS hair and far MORE of my naked, balding head…

Always feeling old, ugly, unwanted and discouraged, and just wanting to crawl in my bed and HIDE from the world…

You won’t feel the need to duck behind the water cooler from colleagues who already have that youthful hair look.

You know, the colleagues that seem so bubbly and imperturbable!

You, too, can have confidence, either once again or for the first time in your life, like never before.
I noticed something i had never seen before…
Tiny hair follicles sprouting,
full of hair!
Yes, I actually noticed my hair was getting a little thicker, a little fuller…

Even a little fuzz in previously bare areas…

I just couldn’t stop staring at my reflection…

Then I looked at my face…

Think about this.
Think about how much you’ll be smiling when you see a scalp emerging with hair for the first time in years… Things like this are literally life changing.

To restore an image once lost and thought gone forever… You can only feel younger, more charismatic, more like the YOU that you used to be…
Imagining what this life change is going to be.
How your life will be either as you’ve wanted it for years now, or better…

Your attraction and influence... your job, business, whatever endeavor you undertake.

All your relationships can change for the better when your confidence soars…

In the end, you’ll find that the you you’ve always wanted to be was only waiting for this moment.
It’s practically like taking on a new life.
All because you regain an important part of who you are…
And all of this is possible because of ingredients already provided for us by Mother Earth expertly collected to create what many consider to be one of the most, if not the most, effective natural combination available, shown to turn hair loss upside down...

And most who have tried it are thrilled with the thicker and fuller hair they’ve experienced…
Just imagine, that could be you, too...
In just a few short weeks…
Because where you are right now is getting harder and harder by the day…
Maybe you are just like I was…
Spending way too long staring at your reflection… wondering if you lost even more hair that day…

Seeing more skin, more scalp, more of your father or mother in that mirror…

Or maybe you try to avoid mirrors altogether… keeping your thinning hair or balding problem out of sight and out of mind…
Then when you shower, it almost HURTS to look down and see what’s left of your hair going down the drain, your youth and livelihood swirling and disappearing for good…

And when it’s time to face the world and go out with friends or meet with clients, you have a decision to make…
  • Do you wear a hat or head covering to hide your embarrassment?
  • Do you go bare and worry about them staring or making a bald joke?
  • Or do you make an excuse and avoid it altogether…
Hiding… Avoiding… Worrying…
It’s no way to live…
  • You should NOT have to be forced to look 8 or 12 years older than your age…
  • You should NOT have to be forced to feel worse about yourself…
  • You should NOT have to be forced to sacrifice your enthusiasm and zest for life…
But millions of people wake every day and endure the frustration of having ZERO control over their hair loss and thinning hair.

That’s what killed me the most…

I felt I had no control over my baldness…

Just about anything else in your life… you have FULL control over!
  • Want a better body, simply eat some salads and hit the gym…
  • Want more money, simply work a little harder or get a second job…
  • Want a better relationship, simply invest more time and effort and you’re there!
But until now, you’ve NEVER really been in control of your hair
It’s like a ticking time bomb that just gets worse and worse and worse until one day, BOOM, your friends consider you BALD… a cue ball for the world to mock.

Well, I used to think that too...

...that I had zero control over what happens to my hair… that I was the victim of my genetics and my balding fate was sealed…
Today, I don’t think that way anymore…
Because I know without a shadow of a doubt that you don’t have to accept your hair loss fate…

That you just might experience thicker and fuller hair that both you and all your friends will see…

That you might finally get rid of your bald spot, thinning hair or receding hairline…

And feel so much younger and more attractive, as well as being more confident and happy.
  • Even if you’ve tried other so-called solutions… Medications that had awful side effects, hats that were ridiculous and pointless… even homeopathic remedies that did absolutely nothing…

  • Even if you gave a second of thought to extremely expensive and extremely risky surgery that would make your head look like a pincushion for weeks on end…
Now is the time to reverse what seemed like a hair loss fate...
...reverse the clock and experience more hair, thicker hair, enough hair to be combed, cut and styled!
You won’t owe me, or anyone, a single penny for trying it out.
You see, i can make these bold statements because not long ago... 
I was right where you are now.
Then I took control of my hair loss fate... practically turned back the hands of time and experienced more hair, thicker hair, enough hair to be combed, cut and styled!

Once you hear my story…

Once I reveal the exact list of a bevy of amazing, powerfully effective ingredients, shown to turn back hair loss in an overwhelming majority of those who used it…

You’ll have the answers you need to finally be in charge of the fate of your hair!
Just listen to my story, 
and YOU too can change everything for the better!
My name is Dr. Suneil Kumar.

I’m a Medical Doctor…

Over the past few years, fellow medical doc, Dr. Jacob Moss and I have assisted innumerable people to not only bring about a whole new appearance, but take on the wonderful new feeling that comes along with it!
Between the two of us, we have well over a decade of medical training and real world experience…

And we’ve read & studied countless cutting-edge research reports into the latest dermatological findings in treating hair, skin and nails.

I know, I know, it sounds like I’m bragging… I’m really not.

Because no matter how much medical experience we have, we’re still human…

And we’re subject to the same fates as everyone else…
I remember the first time I started fearing my own hair loss...
I was at the beach and splashing around with my kids who were 5 and 7 back then...

After taking a big wave, I popped out of the water only to hear my littlest angel say,
“Where did daddy’s hair go?”
The rest of that day was a blur…

I just remembered wanting to get to a mirror as fast as possible…

Sure enough, she was right.

Not only was my hairline receding, i had a significant bald spot on the crown of my head... something nobody ever told me about before!
I remember wanting to call in sick that next week… to hide from my work and hide from the world…

I started assembling a wardrobe of hats and head coverings that rivaled Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection… relying on them everywhere I went…
Then there was my niece’s wedding.
The second I got that invitation, I just knew that relatives and friends who haven’t seen me in years would finally see my secret… see my bald spot… see my shame…

There was absolutely nowhere to hide… and although the bride was supposed to be the center of attention… I felt as though everyone was ignoring her dress and staring at my balding head!
From that day forward, I practically lived in front of a mirror…

...always checking to see if any more hair had fallen out… always trying to comb it so it hides my baldness.

If there are stages to go through, I probably went through them all…

Denial, excuses, anger, depression…
But there was one stage I refused…
Heck No!
I was one of the top and brightest doctors in the states… and if anyone could find a way to bring back people’s beautiful and younger looking hair, it’s Dr. Moss and myself.

So we started working nights and weekends to discover the Holy Grail of hair loss remedies…

It felt like an eternity of constant research, testing and retesting… all the while, my hair was getting noticeably thinner… and I always had a hat covering my secret - morning, noon and night…
Then after all that research, we found the perfect all-natural ingredients that could naturally reawaken hair follicles.
We were ecstatic!
We thought we were almost there, but we were still far from it…

Because finding the perfect ingredients was only half the battle…
The other half was discovering the exact formula that would maximize the potency and maximize the results…

It took us even more time and research to discover the ideal formula that would deliver the absolute best results with no dangerous side effects…

I’ll never forget that day when Jacob looked up from his lab station and said,
“I think we have it!”
At that moment, i knew we were about to change countless lives...
...including my own!
While we knew the science was 100% on point, we knew we also needed to test our solution…

Hey, I’ll give you one guess who our first client was… That’s right, ME!

After I began seeing results, we gathered a small test group of participants... all with varying stages of hair loss…

And just a few short weeks into the program, the large majority of participants noticed real results.
Excited beyond belief, they started telling their friends… then their friends told their friends… and it started going viral!

Before long, we had hundreds of people begging for our solution!

It worked and even better than we ever thought!
What we discovered seemingly converted immature hairs into mature hairs again…
Which made hair look thicker and fuller for men and women!
In some cases, the results were like turning back the clock!
As excited as we were that our final formula worked to stand up against genetics, poor nutrition and damaged hair follicles resulting from chemically-filled products…

We were even more excited that it was 100% natural and safe!

Yes, anyone afflicted by hair loss can completely trust our 100% safe and effective anti-hair loss solution with no need for a physician, dishing out tons of money for non-effective remedies or those that have side effects so dangerous no one should want to use them anyway.
Think back to when you had a full head of hair… you probably got compliments all the time… you felt nothing could stop you and your life was simply complete…
What if you could get back to those days? 
Well, this solution can help you get back to those times…
When you look in the mirror and love the reflection staring back at you…

When you’re out with friends and no longer worry about them looking at your thinning hair…

When you’re presenting in front of a crowd and you’re overflowing with confidence…

People immediately know there’s something different… something better… about you.
Just take a look at these men and women…
These are real people who were experiencing thinning hair and hair loss just like you…

Then they discovered what I’m about to share with you…

...a true working solution that combines 100% safe yet amazingly powerful and natural ingredients that simply work wonders.

And in just a few short weeks, these people started noticing fuller and thicker hair… they started looking in the mirror longer every morning and loving what they were seeing…

Not only did this life change positively affect their looks and made them look younger… it positively affected their confidence, their outlook, their enthusiasm… everything!

Just listen to how it changed their lives…
“I won’t sugarcoat it… having suffered with the agony of losing my hair for years, it was almost ruining my life. It took over every part of it!”
“Having a solution that finally works is a dream come true
I never thought I’d be able to get rid of that annoying hat!”
Dave, 45 - TX
“Not long after my 40th birthday, I noticed my hair thinning and then falling out quite drastically… I saw more and more hair in the drain every day.

It became embarrassing…I was afraid to face my friends and colleagues…

To say my life is different now is a huge understatement…
 I am different now, and everybody can see the difference on my head.
I’m just so relieved that I gave this a chance.”
Susan, 55 - FL
I remember one guy who was completely bald… he had all but given up the thought of ever having hair again.

Fast forward a couple months, and he had enough hair to actually get haircuts!
And I’ll never forget Amy… At just 47 years old, her hair had been thinning so much that her close friends asked her if she was sick.

We hooked her up, and today she brushes and styles her new hair and resembles a beautiful and healthy 35 year old!
As you can see,
the results are proven
The testimonials speak for themselves…
…and it’s all thanks to this ground-breaking formulation of ingredients that combine to practically reverse hair loss so you can experience fuller and thicker hair once again!

I’ll tell you exactly what these natural ingredients are…

But before I do… let me briefly explain the building blocks for ‘reawakening’ hair.

Because most hair loss remedies completely MISS these essential building blocks… and they’re truly the only path to successfully bringing back your old look.
Science proves this…
Countless research proves this…
And thousands of success stories prove this as well.
Through a combination of genetics, age, nutrition and the environment, you begin to lose the vital nutrients that make up the building blocks of your hair.

For some, it happens slowly… for others, it’s surprisingly fast…

Like a statue crumbling, over time, these essential building blocks begin to erode.
This is the beginning of the end for your hair... your hair follicles start to atrophy, produce thinner hairs and eventually die…
Yes, it sounds like boring science…
But it’s the key to fighting hair loss and experiencing thicker and fuller hair again!

Because if you can resupply your hair follicles and cells with these key building blocks, you win the battle over hair loss…

And that’s when you have the absolute best chance to practically turn back the clock and see that beautiful, thick, full ‘garden’ on your head once more.
This is also important…
There are 3 stages of making it happen.
  • The Anagen Stage, which is when your hair shows again…
  • The Catagen Stage, that’s the intermediate stage that you’re probably in…
  • And finally there’s The Telogen Stage which is the resting stage.
To fight a winning battle against hair loss, you must find powerful ingredients that move your growth-cycle from the intermediate stage to the final ‘normal’ stage.

Scientists have been scrambling for years to find the most proven ingredients that will accelerate you from the intermediate stage to the normal-looking hair stage.
Most have practically given up looking…
...but not us!
We have uncovered the perfect and precise ingredients that are proven and tested to resupply your hair follicles’ cells with key building blocks!

In fact, no other ingredients are as effective at bringing life back to your hair than these groundbreaking ingredients.

We’ve proven it… and there are many published works that also verify their effectiveness.
Ingredient #1 is :
Saw Palmetto. 
And there are great reasons why I knew it was critical to start with this hair-restoring all-star ingredient…
Saw Palmetto is a powerhouse hair restoring ingredient times THREE!
  • One, because it stops hair loss cold.
  • Two, because it is proven through countless studies to gut-punch hair loss big time.
  • And three, because it can ‘excite’ your hair cells again which contribute to fuller, thicker and longer hair.
You see, Saw Palmetto is one of the world’s most effective DHT-inhibitors.
And I know right about now you’re likely asking yourself,
 “Just what the heck is a DHT inhibitor?”
Let me explain:

Recent research shows everyone has a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short.

It comes from testosterone, so men have a lot of it, and women have some too…

It carries messages between the organs and is responsible for a lot of the growth taking place during puberty.

As you become an adult, you need less of it…
And for 40% of women and 80% of men who suffer from hair loss… their bodies start producing way too much of it.

This can become a big issue since when you have too much of it in your body than you need and your DHT level becomes unbalanced… It can lead to hair loss.
It’s molecular structure is the same as your follicles, so it essentially hijacks the message your follicle sends…
DHT literally tells your body to stop growing hair.
The longer DHT hijacks your follicles, the less and less hair you’ll see on your head.

It starts with one strand... moves to hundreds... then thousands…

And eventually, when you look in the mirror, a shiny, bald head will be looking back at you.

DHT can become imbalanced in your body for a number of reasons…

And genetics is actually one of them.
Some blood lines produce more DHT than others, which is why you may notice an entire family tree suffering from thinning hair and balding.

In fact, a well-guarded secret (until now) is that famous, powerful, and wealthy people have been told by their highly paid doctors and medical consultants that if they want to keep up with their looks, or especially when they first notice their hair thinning prematurely…
The very first thing they are told to do is take a DHT-inhibitor. 
Let’s face it. For those who have means and who are well accomplished and have an appearance and image to protect… Thinning, balding hair just won’t cut it!

It’s just the way of the world. And now the same can apply for you!
So, what are DHT-inhibitors?
They are nutrients that can decrease DHT before it ever gets to your follicles.
DHT-Inhibitors turn your hair growth cycle back on like a light switch!
It latches on to the DHT hormones and makes them think that they already hijacked your follicles.

Then the DHT dissolves, without ever telling your body NOT to grow back hair.

Since your follicles are no longer getting the message to stop growing…

They go back to their normal cycle of grow...shed...regrow….
Now is this something new that’s never been tried before on humans?

Not by a long shot!

This very Saw Palmetto plant is the secret to the Seminole Indian Tribes’ long-lasting hair and they have been using it for centuries!

It’s why these people never, ever go bald.
You’ve probably heard of the Seminole Indian Tribe.
They’re the inspiration for the Florida State University Mascot.

They’ve lived in Florida for centuries…

Legend has it that they believed that if their hair fell out, their enemies could find it and use it to create black magic against them….

That’s why they took extra care to keep their hair on their head.

They would wear it long, in braids, or shaved into unique styles, well into old age.
It was only about a century ago that people started to realize that the Seminole and most Native American tribes never had thinning hair.
They simply don’t face baldness.
Scientists have dedicated their careers to finding out why…

They’ve looked into genetics…. the environment… the climate.

Then scientists uncovered something truly amazing about the Seminoles.

It turns out that this Saw Palmetto natural remedy that they used for reproductive and urinary health also added to lowering levels of DHT and protecting the hair follicles.
One of the best studies was done in 2002 by Nelson Prager… a prestigious doctor who wanted to test this out for himself.

He conducted a study of 26 men who ranged in age from 23 to 64.

Half of the participants received a capsule of Saw Palmetto extract while the others received a capsule of sugar.
He measured the results after four months and reported….
Those who took the Saw Palmetto were
600% more likely to grow in
thicker hair.
Even the participants noted that they:
  • Increased their hair growth
  • Saw their bald spots shrinking
  • Had a higher satisfaction with their hair
Dr. Prager was even quoted saying,
“These findings show a markedly positive response to treatment.”
Sure, this study of 26 men was relatively small... but the results were so powerful that it roused the medical community…

Inspiring more doctors to test the benefits of Saw Palmetto on hair loss.

Researchers were lining up to crack the code for themselves…
They had to be sure that it was absolutely, 100% safe.
According to research published in The Journal of Urology 10 and Complementary Therapies in Medicine,  Saw Palmetto was given to more than 600 participants and there were ZERO negative effects reported.
As you can imagine, Big Pharma was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of profiting big time from this seemingly magical natural ingredient.

Since they were assured that Saw Palmetto had zero negative side effects... they had to figure out exactly why it worked so well.

So, the industry funded massive studies all over the globe to figure out why and how Saw Palmetto can reverse baldness.
Then they launched an even bigger study to test the effects of Saw Palmetto on hair loss.
During a study at the University of Rome, 100 men and women were given DHT-inhibitors..

They repeated the results of Dr. Prager but did so on 5X the number of people.
  • For those people who had mid to moderate hair loss at the beginning of the study…
    Around 75% improved their hair growth…
    And….another 21% were able to completely stop losing their hair.

  • For participants with hair loss that was more advanced
    62% were able to improve hair growth and 25% stopped losing their hair
The studies continued and doctors in Thailand took things a step further.
They took Saw Palmetto and applied it right to the scalp.

They were so precise that they counted each and every hair at both the beginning and end of the trial… Just to be sure.

After a 4-week period…
They found 74% more hair.
People across the health community were extremely happy.

There was finally a natural way to balance out the DHT hormone and help the follicle work correctly.

A method that would allow people to stop wasting money on expensive shampoos, and save themselves the pain of surgery... while still getting the thick hair they wanted.

A way for people to still find you romantically attractive.

For your co-workers and family members to stop thinking you’re weak and old.

And for everyone you meet to see you as having value.

Simply restoring your hair and stopping the hairline from receding can give you the confidence you had when you were young and had a full head of hair.
But keep in mind…
I just warned you that Big Pharma was funding a lot of this research... and looking for ways to turn Saw Palmetto into a mass-produced, expensive drug.

The good news for us is that they can’t actually patent a natural plant!

Which means they can’t legally stop you from using Saw Palmetto on your own.

However, they can buy up all of the Saw Palmetto that’s out there, saying that they need it for their research when really they’re just trying to control the supply.

They are offering so much for this plant that it’s actually creating a shortage.
Only a few farms grow this stuff… 
...and they’re cleaning up
...getting rich as Big Pharma buys up all of their crop.
Sure.. it does grow in the wild…

But this is leading to other issues…

Like Saw Palmetto poaching... seriously.

Between Big Pharma buying it all up... and poachers going after the crops found naturally in the state forests…

There’s hardly any Saw Palmetto left.
You may see it in grocery stores... offered as quick-fix supplements.

But the problem is that those often lack quality control… and are not 100% authentic.

This was way too frustrating for me.
I knew tons of people who needed this miracle plant…
To finally get their confidence back…

And feel good about themselves and their lives.

I will soon share how you can get your hands on a guaranteed supply of Saw Palmetto.

But first, let’s quickly go on to major ingredient #2 that you will need to hold on to your hair.

Remember, it took us years to find the perfect potent formula…

A formula that combined these amazing ingredients…
And here’s the second amazing ingredient…
Pygeum Bark Extract
This is an extract from the bark of the African Cherry Tree... and it’s considered one of today’s most nourishing herbs for hair.

It is proven to increase scalp circulation, strengthen hair follicles and re-stimulate hair.

In other words, with an abundance of Pygeum Bark Extract in your system on a daily basis, your scalp becomes the perfect breeding ground for long, strong and gorgeous hair.
Pygeum Bark targets DHT to essentially deactivate it 
before it ever reaches the hair follicles.
It’s already well known as a potentially beneficial treatment for an enlarged prostate and prostatitis due to its DHT-blocking ability.

You see, the hormone interactions of hair loss and prostate health have many similarities.

The scientific community has demonstrated the correlation between genetic pattern hair loss and conditions such as prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

And it’s because of this DHT-blocking ability that Pygeum Bark Extract is also used as treatment for DHT-related hair loss, as it can reduce DHT levels and stimulate hair growth.

According to a study by Borras, Pique, Nieto & Gonzalez, extracts from the bark of Pygeum africanum, containing triterpenes and phytosterols, have also shown 5-alpha reductase inhibitory properties.
Anagen hair significantly increased and telogen hair significantly decreased!
In addition to its hair loss prevention abilities, Pygeum bark extract includes an added bonus as being shown to have important anti-inflammatory properties, as well!

But there’s also a third powerful ingredient that works wonders…
Ingredient #3:
Reishi Mushroom Extract
Reishi Mushroom powder has been used for thousands of years to stimulate hair follicles.
You see, hair loss occurs when the hair follicles become weak due to malnourishment.

The extract from this mushroom plays an important role in strengthening the hair follicles and nourishing the scalp.

Plus, it strengthens the blood vessels in the area and allows the small hair follicles to expand.
According to a research paper titled, An Update on Plant Derived Androgens by Grant and Ramasamy, an androgen antagonist (anti-androgen) can broadly be defined as any compound that has the biological effect of blocking or suppressing the action of male sex hormones such as testosterone, within the human body.

Androgens themselves have a diverse range of effects in both males and females and their presence can give rise to a variety of clinical disorders, including male pattern baldness.

In another study exploring the anti-androgenic effects of 20 species of mushrooms, it was Reishi mushrooms specifically, that had the strongest action in inhibiting testosterone.

That study found that Reishi mushrooms significantly reduced levels of 5-alpha reductase, preventing conversion of testosterone into the more potent DHT.

Again, high levels of DHT are a risk factor for conditions such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), acne, and baldness.

And this is exactly why we’ve included this “magical mushroom” in our hair protection formula.
Ingredient #4:
Plant Sterol Complex
Plant sterols, also referred to as stanols, or phytosterols are naturally occurring compounds found in the cell membranes of plants.

Structurally, they are similar to the cholesterol we make in our bodies.

So what’s the connection between cholesterol and your hair?

And why do we use this plant sterol complex? 
Because damaged hair loses hair lipids and quite simply
cholesterol fills them back in!
(This) can impact hair growth in people with male and female pattern baldness,” says Dr. Katie Strobe, a naturopathic physician based in San Francisco.

Normally, when a hair falls out, another starts to grow from the same follicle.

But again, if the DHT hormone is increased, then in this case the hair growth is decreased.

And that’s why it’s so key that Plant Sterols have been demonstrated to stop the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Ingredient #5:
Pumpkin Seed Powder
Pumpkin seed helps promote hair growth and especially helps with alopecia.

The smashing success of pumpkin seed is due to the presence of phytosterols in pumpkin seeds that affects the enzyme associated with hormones such as testosterone and androsterone.

Pumpkin Seed is incredibly nutrient-dense and is packed with vitamins and antioxidants.
It contains omega-3s, essential fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E, Vitamin K, and phytosterol, which is great for collagen production.

Pumpkin Seed nourishes hair follicles and has been shown to promote hair thickness and hair count.
Now, I truly respect the time you’re spending with me today...

...and that’s why instead of going into an in-depth description of what each and every one of the remaining all-star ingredients included in the Rescue Hair 911 regrowth formula can do for you, I’m going to list them all here for now and we can get into the details of each a little bit later.

For now, just know that each one of these 100% natural ingredients you’re about to see were included for no other reason than what they can accomplish for your soon-to-be luscious hair.
Our perfect formula also includes these proven beneficial ingredients:
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B6                   
  • Cat’s Claw Bark
  • Zinc    
  • Copper
  • Broccoli Leaf
  • Selenium
  • Red Raspberry
  • Shiitake Mushroom
  • Graviola Leaf Powder
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Maitake Mushroom
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf Powder
  • Tomato Fruit Powder
There you have it...
You’ve now learned each and every super ingredient that Combines to give your Hair Follicle cells the building blocks they need for maximum appearance.

However, please remember that it’s not just the ingredients… but the precise dosage that creates the desired results…

Remember, nothing happens to water at 211 degrees Fahrenheit.

Yet, at 212 degrees, it boils!

Same with these ingredients…
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing...
Like Magic!
With the precise and exact dose, miracles practically occur.

And as powerful and effective as each of these natural ingredients are when they stand on their own, when combined…

They produce a mega-powerful combination that’s unlike anything the hair loss supplement industry has seen before…

Which delivers results that must be seen, felt and complemented to be believed!
Well for one, I’m going to show you the easiest, most convenient way to get the exact amount of these powerful, naturally occurring ingredients you need every day, to give yourself the absolute best chance to have thicker, fuller looking hair again.

And secondly, you may have read one of these ingredients on the back label of some products before, but I can guarantee you this…

Those other products didn’t contain this precise ingredient formulation…

Because we’re the first and only ones to have this patent-pending formula!

In other words, you won’t find this ANYWHERE else because it only exists here and now.
Allow me to introduce to you what we consider an absolute Hair Loss Breakthrough
A solution we’ve spent many years developing, testing and perfecting until we arrived at the platinum standard of hair loss remedies.
Rescue Hair 911
This advanced and super-unique formula gives you the absolutely highest quality of our pristinely sourced ingredients in an all-in-one solution…
All in the perfect amounts that deliver the safest and most effective results no matter how much hair you’ve lost... 
Yes, even if you’re completely bald!
We strongly believe that Rescue Hair 911 is the most advanced hair loss solution on the market today.

We have a whole catalog of success stories that proves its effectiveness…

From 30 year old men who just noticed their receding hairline… to 45 year old women who are embarrassed of their thinning hair… to 50 year old men who want to look and feel young again.
Rescue Hair 911 has proven ingredients that are demonstrated over and over to provide impressive results.
As effective and as safe as our Rescue Hair 911 has been proven to be, we still wanted more…
It had to be easy for you…
Something you could take every day without even thinking about it…

Something that could just slide into your daily routine in just seconds!

Naturally, the easiest and fastest way to help you experience thicker and fuller hair as quickly as possible is to put it in an easy-to-take supplement.

Yes, without rubbing in topical creams that are messy… or relying on a funky laser hair growth hat that you have to keep on your head for hours on end (And that often doesn’t work for countless people.)
Simply take 2 tablets daily of our easy-to-swallow supplement with a glass of water and you’re done!
And once Rescue Hair 911 enters your body, that’s when these powerful ingredients start working their magic…
  • First by helping stop hair loss dead in its tracks…

  • And secondly by stimulating the stem cells of your hair follicles to help bring back thicker and fuller hair…
Hair that will have you feeling more energetic, confident and proud in no time!
“I’ll admit, I was very skeptical. My hair started thinning pretty bad in my late 20s. There was barely anything left on top by the time I entered my 40s…”
“After two weeks of taking Rescue Hair 911 I noticed immediate growth and was shocked at how thick the new hair coming through was.”
“I feel truly blessed that I trusted Rescue Hair 911 and finally have my hair back. I’m already enjoying having my confidence back.. it’s like my youth again!”
Chris, 48 - WY
I had this embarrassing bald spot that got worse and worse since I worked in construction in my 20s. 
I honestly didn’t see how a pill would help”.
“But since I began taking Rescue Hair 911, I have noticed a dramatic difference…”
“It has only been a few weeks but the hair is starting to grow back. I can’t wait to see how it looks in a few months from now!”.
Ronald, 51 - NY
“Rescue Hair 911 has changed my life… My family and friends never really grasped just how devastating losing my hair was…”

”But they noticed my new lust for life… I’m enjoying things I haven’t in decades, and my hair is thick and full. It hardly seems real.”

”I’m telling all of my female and male friends who suffer from hair loss and thinning to take Rescue Hair 911 because it really works.”
Fiona, 62 - TX
Now, we’ve already seen Rescue Hair 911 go from complete obscurity to one of the fastest hair loss answers on the market…

You see, you’ve heard just a fraction of our success stories… we have THOUSANDS more success stories, reams of testimonials and countless emails and thank you letters…
Therefore we fully expect Rescue Hair 911 to go viral at any moment…
It could be weeks from now… Or just days from now.
But the moment thousands start flooding our website,
 we will immediately sell out of our inventory…
Remember, these precise, powerful and natural ingredients are hard to come by… so when we sell out (and we WILL sell out), we will be backlogged indefinitely.

I’d hate for you to wait months or longer to experience fuller and thicker hair…

The only way to guarantee your order will go through is by taking action right now.
Hey, because you listened to me this long, you’re clearly serious about feeling young and attractive once again with thicker and fuller hair...

Well, you already know that simply thinking about it, worrying about it and hoping for a change doesn’t accomplish anything…
Just like anything else in life,
you must take action to see results.
So, you have a choice…
You can take action step #1 which is to keep spinning your wheels on empty promise products that don’t work, cost an arm and a leg, contain dangerous chemical ingredients or harmful side effects…

In other words, you’re basically just wasting more time… and as the weeks pass by, more and more hair will fall out…

Your hairline will recede just a little bit more and you’ll just grow more frustrated that you decided to take this action step #1…
A few people will be scared out of their minds as they consider action step #2and that’s surgery! 

As a doctor myself, I can’t sugarcoat just how serious hair transplant surgery can be…

First, it’s not cheap. It can be $16,000… and that’s coming out of your pocket since insurance won’t cover elective, cosmetic surgery.
Even beyond the hefty price tag, surgery always involves risk…

Yes, things can go wrong… Yes, people have died…
I know that looking and feeling great is important,
but it’s certainly never worth your life…
Finally, surgery is not an instant fix… there will be weeks or even months where your head is so scarred, you won’t want to be seen in public… of course, that’s really not an option for today’s working professional.

So that brings you to the absolute best option to minimize your investment, minimize your risk and maximize your results...
Option #3 is to take NO risk whatsoever and try our Rescue Hair 911 supplement…
  • Forget about scary side effects that can harm your body…
  • Forget about trying a product that could actually increase your hair loss…
  • And forget about spending anywhere close to that $16,000 surgery…
Not even thousands of dollars that prescriptions might cost…
Not Even $500
Or $300
Or Even $100
Because I really want you to have the real opportunity of experiencing thicker and fuller hair…

Hair that you can comb, style and cut…

Hair that your significant other will go crazy over and that will have your friends doing a double take…

Hair that will bring back that confidence, enthusiasm and smile that you thought was gone forever…
Because i want YOU to have the same amazing results i had, you can try a 100% Risk-Free bottle of Rescue Hair 911 if you order right now…
For only $69.95 today.
Think about it.

You’re investing just $2.33 a day that’s chump change.

You can easily find that in your couch cushions…

It’s nothing, you won’t even feel it…

What is $2.33 a day? Maybe a cheap cup of gas station coffee? 
Isn’t your hair worth that teeny tiny investment?
Aren’t YOU worth that tiny investment?
But… I want to make this opportunity even easier for you to get started.

My goal is simple: To help as many men and women as possible finally control and even reverse their life destroying hair loss … so I’m doing something I really didn’t plan for…
I have set up an exclusive discounted package of 4 bottles of Rescue Hair 911 for you 
for only $49.95 a bottle…
This is being offered TODAY ONLY…
For as long as supplies last.

Plus, you also get free shipping… it’s on us, no matter where you live!

Of course, once we run out (and we will run out soon), the “Buy Now” buttons will no longer be active.

Then it will take us about 2 months to refill our supply.
Go ahead and secure your order.
Click the 4-bottle package (or any other package you wish) once you’re on the secure order form…
Oh, and you also have our unbreakable Money-Back Guarantee.
(Plus a $100 bonus – More on that in a second)
I personally guarantee you will experience great results with Rescue Hair 911, or we’ll pay you back every penny just for trying it out.

In fact, you can try the ENTIRE bottle if you’d like... and decide later if you want us to keep your money.

Use all of it, and if you’re not satisfied with the results… just return the empty bottle (or any remaining portion of it) within 90 days…
And we’ll refund every penny, no questions asked!
Plus we’ll give you 100 Bucks… Just for giving Rescue Hair 911 an “Honest Try”!
I have a hunch that Rescue Hair 911 is the one thing that you’re missing right now to FINALLY end your hair-loss misery and support your follicles, EVEN if you’ve tried other supplements!
But you won’t KNOW that if you don’t TRY It...
As I said, the overwhelming majority of our users see thicker and fuller hair within weeks...

That could be YOU in just a few weeks… Then after just a couple months, WOW!
If only you could fast forward life and get a sneak peek of what you’ll look like in a couple of months… You might not even recognize yourself…

Younger, more attractive… Like you looked 10 or even 15 years ago!

Isn’t NOW the time you finally restore your good looks… Restore your confidence… and restore your enjoyment and happiness in life?
Then simply click the button below.
Fill out your order on the next page, and we’ll immediately ship Rescue Hair 911 To You
Listen, everything you’ve heard is 100% true
The science is cemented in fact…

The solution is proven through countless success stories…
But you’re probably still wondering:
“What if it doesn’t work for me?”
Well, that rarely happens, but you have nothing to worry about because you’re 100% protected by our 90-Day Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee!

We are so confident that you will achieve your desired results with Rescue Hair 911, we back up our promise with an Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your Rescue Hair 911 order, simply return the unused portion for a full refund within 90 days of purchase.

You will receive a no hassle, no questions asked, full refund of your order price.

Plus we’ll give you 100 bucks Just for giving Rescue Hair 911 an “Honest Try
Just click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below right now,
fill out your order on the next page, and we’ll immediately ship out your bottle via FREE rush shipping…
Now, if you’re like many of our users, you could start experiencing more hair volume in just a few short weeks.
After 30 days, you’ll likely notice fuller and thicker hair.
So, after 90 days, you may look in the mirror and be shocked at the improved result!
So order today, you have nothing to lose but your self-consciousness about your hair loss!
With your order of Rescue Hair 911, you’re getting today’s most effective solution to your hair loss or hair thinning problems…

Not only is our supplement proven many times over by thousands of people who turned around their hair loss frustration and noticed new, fuller and thicker hair…

It’s a formula that combines today’s most powerful and effective ingredients that you won’t find anywhere else.
Remember, this completely unique gift from nature gives you the absolutely highest quality of Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, Pygeum Bark Extract, Plant Sterol Complex and all the rest of the proven ingredients, in an all-in-one solution…
  • First, to help put an end to hair loss…

  • And second, to bring back your long lost hair by stimulating the stem cells of your hair follicles…
This combination has produced remarkable results for so many men and women who are now incredibly grateful and enjoying life to the fullest.

Remember, your first bottle of Rescue Hair 911 is a steal at just $69.95 today.

At just $2.33 a dayyou’ll be able to get the finest brush available… because in just a few short weeks you will notice what you haven’t seen in a long while…
Thicker and fuller hair that makes you feel younger and more alive.
You’ve been taking in my presentation for a while now… probably thinking about your hair loss issues every single second…
Well, the truth is that while most people only think, worry and fear… 
...they rarely take ACTION to bring about a serious change…
Most people sit by and watch life happen to them… they don’t take action to influence what happens to them…

Now’s your chance to take action…

To influence your own change… to finally do something significant about your hair loss problems…

Go ahead and click the button below and order Rescue Hair 911 right now…

Then you’ll jump to the next page where you can safely and securely complete your order.
That’s it! It’s just that easy!
Once you place your order, simply sit back and relax while we ship the product right to your door.

Because I know how important this is to you, I’ll be sure to get it to you quickly.

Then, once it arrives, you’re going to want to take it immediately. (That first dose starts the clock!)
And then I want you to put it on your calendar and check for thicker and fuller-looking hair once every single week.
Wait, Wait, Wait… I know what you may be thinking:
“What’s the catch?”
After all, we’re guaranteeing a solution that effectively fights typical human genetics and your DNA and provides results you’ll love…

Yet, it’s such a small investment for such a massive, life-changing reward…

Yes, that’s all true. However, remember where I came from…

I too was in your same shoes… unhappy with my hair loss, hiding from the world, and hoping and praying for a solution… ANY solution…
So, this isn’t simply our proven product…
It’s also my calling…
Because we’re so discouraged with the lousy hair-loss products that reek of dangerous side effects and sketchy results, we knew our fans deserved something better…

…something real… something that actually worked and changed lives…

So, even if it means we lose money, we’re determined to get this into your hands at a steep, steep discount.
Remember, this is a very high quality product that combines potent ingredients that are very difficult and time consuming to source
In fact, because of the weather and simply because of high demand, these ingredients are not always guaranteed to be available at all times…

Right now we ARE guaranteeing these ingredients are available and you can order today… but that’s not guaranteed tomorrow.

Let’s face it, you’ve listened to this much of my video…

You know the science is proven, you know the ingredients are among the most effective combinations you’ll ever come across… and you’ve read the true success stories.
Now’s your chance to finally do something about your hair loss or thinning hair...
Go ahead, take the next step and order Rescue Hair 911 right now.
Remember, you have absolutely zero risk. If you’re one of the rare few who don’t see tremendous results, you have 90 days to send it back for a full refund...

Plus We’ll Give You 100 Bucks… Just for giving Rescue Hair 911 an “Honest Try

But just imagine if you’re one of the large majority that DO see results… do notice thicker and fuller hair… do experience a life change as a result of trying Rescue Hair 911.
We’ve made it super easy to get started.
Just click the button below, fill out your order on the next page, and sit back while we send you Rescue Hair 911 right to your door.
Before you know it, you’ll be doing something real, something proven to finally fight your thinning hair or hair loss.
When I started this journey to create Rescue Hair 911 I did it for several reasons
  • First, yes I was concerned about my own hair loss, so I did it for me…

  • Second, I did it because I was so frustrated the hair loss remedy industry was like a black hole of poor and under performing products and remedies… I wanted to finally provide something that genuinely worked.

  • And third and most important, I wanted to touch people’s lives… I wanted to hear their success stories… how they went from despair and frustration to exhilaration and happiness once they started taking Rescue Hair 911.
That’s what i want for you today.
Go ahead and click on the button below and fill out your order on the next page… 
...the sooner you do, the faster I get to hear about your own amazing results.
In my opinion, and in the opinion of countless people who have experienced amazing results, there’s no better product to leave your devastating hair-loss issues in the dust for good.

Today is your best chance to start taking real action to combat your hair loss or thinning hair by securing your first order of Rescue Hair 911 at only $69.95 while supplies last.
Of course, you’re covered for a full 90 days.

There’s absolutely no risk to you for 3 whole months! If you’re unhappy for any reason, we will rush all of your money back.

If you’re unhappy for any reason, we will rush all of your money back.
Remember, you won’t find these powerhouse ingredients integrated into this perfect combination anywhere else.

These hair loss reversing ingredients not only help stop hair loss, they also stimulate the hair follicles of stem cells to help bring back thicker and fuller hair

Just imagine what happens when you start seeing a fully covered scalp again…

you’ll immediately feel more alive and more confident…
But you’ll never get there if you don’t take action…
What’s stopping you?
Go ahead and click below to finally turn around your hair loss and enjoy thicker & fuller hair like you used to!

Place your order below right now...

...and we can’t wait to hear about your incredible results!
This is your last chance…
You need to act now!
Get your supply of Hair-Restoring, Follicle-Reviving:
Rescue Hair 911
Click the big orange “Add to Cart” button below now!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and any likeness to any individual (living or dead) mentioned in the above content is entirely coincidental. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of our ingredients based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

Copyright © 2025 - Phytage Labs - All Rights Reserved